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Keto Chili!

Gotta love the simplicity of a Crock Pot! Chili is one of my favorite dishes for the cool seasons and is so spot on Keto done right!

INGREDIENTS: -1lb Ground Beef

-1lb Ground Sausage

-4 Cans Tomatoes

-3 Tbsp. The Happy Eater Taco Blend

-1/2 Cup Diced Yellow Onion

-2 Cloves Garlic, Crushed


1. Lightly brown meat on medium heat.

2. Throw all ingredients in a Crock Pot and let cook 4-6 hours on medium heat.

3. Serve with your choice of fats! I love a lil cheddar cheese, sour cream, and avocado!!

Mmmmmm, enjoy!

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